Sunday, October 24, 2010

#13 Feet

Feet! I know some people Don't like having anyone touch their feet, but I enjoy nothing better than a good pedicure. While I've been in hospital my feet have been quiet sore. I have been able (out of sympathy) to get hubby to rub cream into them. This is quiet a feat, as he hates my feet. Now feet as a rule are pretty ugly, lets face it, but I think my tootsies are alright. (hubby will disagree) He has feet like a monkey with toes that curl under (all the better for balance, he tells me) More like all the better for hanging from trees lol. I was able to sneak a picture of his caring foot rubs to share with you all.

Would love to hear your foot stories or phobias!! :-)


  1. Awww, foot rubs! You've got a keeper there. As for feet, I hate mine. They are little and have the tiniest nails ...I don't like anyone seeing them.

  2. Hehe, that photo is too funny!
    Just catching up again. So glad to hear the results have given you the all clear!! :)

  3. Ahahaha, hilarious!!

    I'm one of those people who badly need pedis due to my job but squeal like a little girl and laugh my face off until everyone in the salon is staring. I always have to pre-warn the girls to be very firm otherwise I might kick them by mistake :/

  4. Lol Gretski
    Yes Thea I'm so pleased don't know how I would have coped if the news had been different
